Life Lessons of Sesame Street

Life Lessons of Sesame Street

By: Mollie Busino, LCSW

How are you doing?

Most of you have probably seen the recent post that went viral from Elmo asking the question “How are you doing?”… It is no surprise the number of responses the post attracted. This is one of the many ways Sesame Street seems to often understand what the world needs more than we often acknowledge!

Why were there so many responses to Elmo’s post? Elmo saw that simply asking others how they were feeling allowed the space for individuals to feel seen and express their true feelings. Most of us never pause long enough to have such a connection with others around us thru the day rather we are preoccupied with getting to our next destination or simply distracted with our own minds, phones, etc..

Another area where those on Sesame Street is often more evolved is in regard to their approach to Diversity Equity and Inclusion. Every character on Sesame Street connect accept each other despite differences in appearance, cultural background, temperament, skills, and gender.

On Sesame Street they know life needs to be FUN!

From taking a bath with a rubber ducky to singing the alphabet while sitting on a stoop…There is always fun to have on Sesame Street. We ALL need to find joy in our days . Having fun makes us more productive, optimistic, healthier, calmer, and overall happier.

On Sesame Street they know supporting each other benefits more than competing with each other. No matter what the game is or who the players are on Sesame Street everyone wants to support and build each other up rather than pushing others down to win. In life we often see the lack of authenticity and integrity that occurs when one is focused on winning no matter the cost.

On Sesame Street they know living mindfully is the healthiest way of living . Identification and acknowledgement of emotions is the norm on Sesame Street. Often in our world individuals fear feeling or acknowledging their emotions. Many numb with social media, substances, spending, and controlling their environments or others which creates mental health struggles, disconnection, and conflict.

On Sesame Street they know a challenge always brings a lesson. Everyone on Sesame Street accepts that challenges may come their way and look toward the lesson and growth that those challenges will bring. In our world, we often become paralyzed or resistant to challenges and as a result prevent ourselves from the value or growth that can occur as we move thru the challenges.

We can all benefit from a little influence of Sesame Street in our lives.

As adults we could utilize some of those lessons more than our children! Therefore- take a pause next time your kiddo has an episode running and see what gifts Sesame Street can bring you

Counseling Hoboken; Mollie Busino, LCSW, Director of Mindful Power. Mollie has had extensive training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Fertility Counseling, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Her work focuses on Anxiety, Depression, Anger Management, Career Changes, OCD, Relationship, Dating Challenges, Insomnia, & Postpartum Depression and Anxiety.